Treasury of Gem stones

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  • treasury-of-gem-stones-1742
  • treasury-of-gem-stones-1748
  • treasury-of-gem-stones-1749
  • treasury-of-gem-stones-1750

Collecting and stone-working in the area of Nová Paka have been known since the half of 14th century. The bases of our historical and natural sciences collections were made from private and scholar collections. The first exposition of gem stones was performed in 1908; new building of the Treasury of Gem stones was opened in May 1996.

The region of Nová Paka is an area with long and very rich geological history. We can find there many rocks of various type and age. Sedimentary rocks from various periods, especially from Carboniferous and Permian, contain plenty of interesting fossils; Permian volcanic rocks melaphyres are rich of famous gem stones. The most beautiful specimens are exhibited in expositions of the Treasury of Gem stones.